
  • Jurnal Abdimas Perbanas

    Jurnal Abdimas Perbanas merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Perbanas Institute, yang berisikan tentang artikel ilmiah yang merupakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Jurnal abdimas merupakan salah satu luaran dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyakakat yang telah dilaksanakan oleh kelompok dosen maupun kolaborasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa dari seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Dan juga merupakan luaran dari hibah pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

  • Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan

    Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Manajemen, IKPIA Perbanas (Institut Keuangan Perbankan dan Informatika Asia, Perhimpunan Bank Umum Nasional), dengan frekuensi terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
    Journal of Finance and Banking is published semiannually in June and December by the Research Division of Graduate Business Program of ABFI Institute Perbanas (Indonesian Banks Association).

  • Management Research Studies Journal

    Management Research Studies Journal is a refereed publication and is designed to cover a wide variety of topics in the fields of Business and Economics in general including Banking, Financial Services and Internal Controls, Accounting and Finance, Health Economics, Tourism, Maritime Studies, Transport and Logistics, Energy and Environment with reference to Indonesian Integration. It aims to act as a guide for new developments and prospects in different aspects of economic thought and business methodologies and it is programmed to come out two times a year. Papers are invited both from academic economists as well as practitioners.

  • Prosiding Seminar Nasional

    Seminar Nasional Perbanas Institute (SNAP 2021) diselenggarakan sebagai salah satu mata acara Dies Natalis Perbanas Institute ke-52 yang terdiri dari kegiatan Seminar Nasional, Call for Paper, dan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Seminar nasional ini merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari pengembangan budaya akademik yang perlu didukung oleh segenap sivitas akademika Perbanas Institute. Kegiatan ini memberikan kesempatan bagi para peserta untuk bertukar gagasan baru maupun pengalaman implementasi, untuk membangun konektivitas bisnis atau penelitian serta menemukan Mitra Nasional guna kolaborasi di masa depan. Pada tahun ini, SNAP mengusung tema “Towards Economic Recovery by Accelerating Human Capital and Digital Tranformation”.

  • Perbanas International Seminar on Economics, Business, Management, Accounting and IT

    Proceedings of the Perbanas International Seminar on Economics, Business, Management, Accounting and IT (PROFICIENT) is one of the results of holding an international conference organized by the Perbanas Institute. This international conference provides the widest possible opportunity for academics (researchers, lecturers, students), practitioners, and the wider community in all parts of the world to participate in contributing their ideas in the fields of economics, business, management, accounting, and information technology. It is hoped that the results of this thought, which are distributed in the form of seminars, discussions, and papers, can become a reference in the development of science in the future, as well as become a reference in the decision-making process for practitioners and regulators. The focus of study at this international conference includes (1) economics, banking industry, and digitalization; (2) financial accounting, auditing, and tax; (3) information technology innovation and business data analytics; (4) digital marketing; (5) human capital; (6) sharia economics; (7) other relevant topics (economics, business, management, accounting, and information technology).


  • PROFICIENT Community Services

    Proceedings of the Perbanas International Seminar on Economics, Business, Management, Accounting and IT (PROFICIENT) is one of the results of holding an international conference organized by the Perbanas Institute. This international conference provides the widest possible opportunity for academics, practitioners, and the wider community in all parts of the world to participate in contributing their ideas in the fields of economics, business, management, accounting, and information technology. It is hoped that the results of this thought, which are distributed in the form of seminars, discussions, and papers, can become a reference in the development of science in the future, as well as become a reference in the decision-making process for practitioners and regulators. The focus of study at this international conference includes (1) economics, banking industry, and digitalization; (2) financial accounting, auditing, and tax; (3) information technology innovation and business data analytics; (4) digital marketing; (5) human capital; (6) sharia economics; (7) other relevant topics (economics, business, management, accounting, and information technology).

  • Jurnal Riset Perbankan Manajemen dan Akuntansi

    The Journal of Research on Banking, Management and Accounting is focused on publishing original research articles, reviewing contributor articles and current issues related to banking, management and accounting.

    The main objective of this journal is to provide a platform for national scientists, academics, and researchers to share contemporary view in banking, management and accounting. It also aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in banking, management and accounting. Thus, it becomes a leading national journal in banking, management and accounting.

    This journal, published 2 times a year, publishes research papers in all areas of banking, management and accounting

  • Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business

    Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business is a is a peer-reviewed journal published by Islamic Economics Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Perbanas Institute. It is dedicated to the development, implementation and evaluation of Islamic Economics and Business.