Author Guidelines

Before preparing and submitting an article manuscript, please note that the author is not advised to withdraw the submitted paper after publication (review, copyedit, layout, etc.). During this time, PCS has consumed valuable resources in addition to the time spent in the process.

Please prepare the manuscript prior to submission using the following guidelines and the article template below:

  1. General Provisions
  • Accepted articles are articles that have never been published in any journal or are not in the status of being accepted for publication
  • Articles in the form of community service that have relevance to the fields of human development and national competitiveness, local resource-based poverty alleviation, management of rural and coastal areas with local wisdom, economic development, entrepreneurship, cooperatives, creative industries and MSMEs, development of insightful technology environment, health, nutrition, tropical diseases and herbal medicines, art, literature, and culture, as well as national integration and social harmony.
  • The article is attached with a statement of authenticity from the author stating that the article is truly the author's work and does not contain plagiarism.
  • Articles are written using the template provided.
  • The references consists of a minimum of 15 sources and includes at least 3 primary sources from scientific journals.
  • Maximum article similarity check results of 30%.
  1. Systematic Writing
  • Article consists of 8-12 pages, typed with single spacing on A4 size paper with Palatino Linotype font size 11pt, and uses body notes. Articles to be published should be in good Indonesian and English.
  • The article's structure consists of Title, Author Name, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
  1. Article Writing Provisions
  • Title: consists of 10-15 words.
  • Author's name: written without a title, accompanied by an email address and the institution's name.
  • Abstract: written in Indonesian and English, consisting of 150-250 words, and contains the purpose of the activity, methods, and results or product of the activity.
  • Keywords: written in Indonesian and English, 3-5 words each.
  • Introduction: contains the conditions or problems that underlie or inspire the implementation of the activities and the objectives of the PKM activities.
  • Method: describes the method used to solve the problem. Examples of methods: a) Community Education, for example, counseling aimed at increasing understanding and awareness; b) Science and technology diffusion, for example, activities that produce products for target groups; c) Training, for example, activities accompanied by demonstrations or demonstrations to produce specific skills, d) Mediation, for example, activities that show PkM implementers as mediators in solving problems that exist in the community, e) Advocacy, for example, activities in the form of assistance to target groups. Also, explain the characteristics of the target group who are partners in PKM activities.
  • Results and Discussion: explaining the results or outcomes of the PkM can be in the form of increased knowledge, skills, or products. The results also state the level of achievement of activity targets. If it is an object, it is necessary to explain the product's specifications and advantages and disadvantages. Writing output needs to be accompanied by photos, tables, graphs, charts, pictures, etc. The discussion is sequential according to the order of the objectives and has been explained beforehand. Logical arguments accompany the discussion by linking the PkM results with theory, other PkM results, and/or research results.
  • Conclusion: written briefly but describes the substance of the PkM results and recommendations for the following PkM activities.
  • References: the references is written according to the APA 6th (American Psychological Association) model. A reference manager (EndNoteMendeleyZotero, etc.) is highly recommended to make editing and reviewing easier.