Bank and Non- Bank Financial Institutions as well Its Role in the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).


  • Mustanwir Zuhri Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute
  • Irawati Junaeni Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute
  • Hedwigis Esti Riwayati Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute
  • Markonah Markonah Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute
  • Djoko Hanantijo Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute
  • Rohmat Agus Pranoto Faculty of Economics and Business , Perbanas Institute


Financial institutions, Banks and Non- Banks, MSMEs


Devotion to this Community ( PkM ) . discuss role strategic k Mini bank and non- bank finance in MSME development , review various initiatives and programs that have been launched , as well analyze impact to growth and sustainability MSME sector in Indonesia. Through deep understanding​ about role and contribution k Mini - institutions This is expected can identified existing opportunities and challenges , as well as more strategies effective For support development of MSMEs to front . k Mini held at Jendral University Soedirman Purwokerto , by IKPIA Perbanas lecturers and students working together with General University Soedirman , which will be held on Wednesday , May 22 2024, with audience of MSME actors who have Collaborating with Jendral University​ Sudirman , who is active in various Can business , such as : culinary , food typical Purwokerto like mendoan , food packaging for souvenirs like irut , fried getuk , crafts hand and furniture made​ from bamboo as well as screen printing . Results and Mini an from k Mini is that : 1. The role of Bank Financial Institutions for MSMEs , namely as : 1). Provision Credit and Financing , 2). Service Banking Inclusive , 3). Mentoring and Training . 2. Role of Financial Institutions Not a bank for MSMEs , namely as : 1). Financing Alternative , 2). Service Finance Based Technology (Fintech), 3). Innovation Products and Services . 3. Impact To MSME development , namely as : 1). Economic Growth , 2). Increasing Competitiveness, 3). Business Sustainability . 4. Challenges faced by MSMEs as well opportunity that is digital technology and innovation finance 5. Development Strategy to Front namely : 1). Collaboration and Synergy between MSMEs and financial institutions , 2). Enhancement Literacy Finance in MSMEs, 3). Innovation Products and Services for MSMEs


