Recycling Used Cooking Oil to Multipurpose Products for Family Economic Improvement


  • Reny Fitriana Kaban Faculty of Economics & Busuness, Perbanas Institute
  • Martina Safitry 3Faculty of Administration /Public Administration, STIAMI Institute of Social and Management Sciences
  • Ai Nety Sumidartini 3Faculty of Administration /Public Administration, STIAMI Institute of Social and Management Sciences
  • Banaziriyah Faculty of Teaching & Education, Open University


Recycling, Used Cooking Oil, Multi Purpose Product, Family   Economic Improvement


This Community Service aims to develop the potential and skills of human resources, housewives in Kedung Waringin Village in utilizing the natural potential of the village, waste cooking oil to produce something of high selling value and provide economic, social, and environmental benefits for the surrounding community. Improving women's skills can foster local economic activities that can indirectly improve community welfare. The multi-use products resulting from the creativity of recycling used cooking oil are soap for washing and candles as a source of lighting, alternative room decoration, and aromatherapy media. For the sustainability of this used cooking oil recycling skills training and to support the achievement of the community service goal, increasing community income through the creative economy, the community service team also followed up with online marketing activities so that the products produced by the community as output from the training could be sold so as to provide additional community income. By making recycled products, the community can generate income independently to increase family income. The result of this community empowerment activity is increased community capacity. 



